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FAQs Relating Varicose Veins And Treatment Opportunities

FAQs Relating Varicose Veins And Treatment Opportunities

In Australia, patients review options to improve their health and overall appearance. Common hindrances that affect both the patient's health and appearance are varicose veins. These veins can become large and bulge underneath the skin. This can present these patients with possible health risks and aesthetic imperfections. The following are FAQs about these veins and treatment opportunities.

What are the Leading Causes of Varicose Veins?

The leading causes of varicose veins are associated with occupational factors. If the patient sits or stands for prolonged periods of time, they are at a greater risk of developing these veins. They are the direct result of excessive pressure in the legs. This leads to improper circulation in the legs and blood collects in the vein. This can produce small and large veins in the legs based on the duration of time in which they are exposed to this excessive pressure.

What Complications can Emerge Due to These Veins?

Typically, these veins are an aesthetic concern. However, they can present health risks. They increase the probability that the patient will develop blood clots and ulcers in their legs. These conditions can lead to life-threatening circumstances that will require immediate removal of the ulcer or clot. They could also require the patient to undergo vein specialist to reduce these threats in the future.

What is the Most Invasive Treatment and Why is it Performed?

The most invasive treatment for these veins is called vein stripping. It is the surgical removal of the vein. The clinician makes two incisions and runs an instrument from one incision to the other. The vein is pulled through the lower incision. It is performed for excessively large veins that present serious health risks.

What are the Most Popular Treatments Selected?

Among the more popular varicose veins treatments are laser treatments and sclerotherapy. These treatments aren't invasive and don't present high risks for the patient. The laser treatments involve the application of energy pulses that are delivered into the vein. They cause the vein to collapse and seal. Sclerotherapy involves the use a chemical to damage the vein and cause scar tissue to form.

In Australia, patients who develop these unwanted veins need clear solutions based on the size of the vein. Clinicians provide them with a wide variety of treatment options to address these concerns. Patients who want to review varicose veins treatments contact a local clinician to schedule a consultation.

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